Historical Movement Archive
The Historical Movement Archive (or HMA) Game is an educational strategy game developed for Western and Chinese markets. The game is built around research concepts penned by Brad Waller, a historian who has studied the fundamentals of martial arts in Europe and Asia for around 30 years. The game features a turn-based Tempo Timeline system where players lock in their actions and watch them play out in real-time. After committing to an action timeline then takes players through every phase of their actions, and gives them opportunities to modify their original choice. Subtle changes in an attack’s tempo or angle can be deadly, making it important for players to read their opponent’s movements and come up with the correct response to any given situation.
While working as Lead Designer for HMA I contributed the following:
Adapted research on martial combat into a mobile game design over the course of 6 months
Built the game to teach players martial concepts like tempo, grappling, and thwarting
Acted as a mediator between creative teams and researchers.
Quickly learned and applied the research of Brad Waller for the purpose of developing the HMA game
Created a paper prototype of the game for early testing