Project Downbeat
Project Downbeat is a PC fighting game currently in development from Flyguy Interactive Studios. The game takes place on the fictional planet Salt, and is designed to teach players the complexities and nuances of the fighting game genre. To accomplish this, the singleplayer Path To Mastery Mode provides players with a fun arcade mode that slowly teaches players key concepts in fighting games like footsies and anti-airing through a series cpu controlled fights. This is done by introducing player move-sets gradually, all the while giving them challenges that reinforce what each tool they have is used for. For example, players will be given access to a move that beats jump-ins, only to go up against an enemy that jumps frequently. These concepts are then further cemented in Path To Mastery in the Dojo, a secondary trial area that tasks players with repeating certain motions. If a trial is passed, the player is given stat upgrades such as improved damage or health. This allows players stuck on a level to make things easier while still building upon whatever area of play they may be lacking in.
While developing Project Downbeat I have contributed the following:
Developed the Path To Mastery Mode and the tutorial system
Designed every character and created documentation to aid in their implementation, including frame data, hitboxes, and move-set descriptions
Created all narrative assets for the game
Managed the creative team to develop a vertical slice for the game
Worked with testing to ensure each character was balanced and made edits to designs that became over-tuned as the vertical slice was updated and reworked.